Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Big Day has Arrived

last night was the best nights sleep I have had in an age(ZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)!

Doesn't bode well - after all thats the first night Mr.B and me have spent apart in a long while!

Up at 5.50am, out on my walk at 6am, home again at 7am soaked to the skin as something a bit like a baby hurricane swept through St.Albans.

7.30am and I am about to have a lovely warm shower - believe it or not, end of August and I have all the windows shut and I am cold - outrageous!

I can't believe everything is so calm, Derek and Jude are at the hall with the hog roast people, middle daughter is having her hair done downstairs, my hair has been done, eldest daughter is having a tantrum over her hair - oh the joys of a teen bridesmaid.

now I have half an hour or so before the flurry of putting on make up etc starts.


I wrote that yesterday morning - now I am Mrs. B, and as the next part of this story is so long and exciting (go on honestly!) I will end it here and start tomorrow (its been a long 48 hours you know)

364 days until our 1st wedding anniversary!

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