Sunday, May 06, 2007

Proving WHO HE IS and the Elusive Hog

Finally after much hooha Mr.B's full birth certificate arrived. and was duly presented at the register office - so now they believe Mr.B is infact Mr.B!
At least now we have his Birth Certificate if we ever need it again for anything (cant think of any reason why we would - answers on a postcard please, or in the comments!)

And so to the catering, not such good news on that front unfortunately. Despite numerous messages left on her answer machine the hog roast lady is not playing ball. I know she has said she will do it, and I am sure she has it in her DIARY - but I need written confirmation for my own piece of mind!
So I will leave her one more message and if she does not reply in a reasonable time - I will have to find another hog roast firm!

1 comment:

elsie said...

is that a picture of Mr B's *actual* certificate? because i looks like it says he's a girl to me! ;o) xx