Friday, August 03, 2007

freaky friday

It's a conspiracy to make me look like an old hag on the big day; between teenage daughters, lost contact lenses, cats throwing up and chicken squawking, I feel as if I had no sleep last night at all.

But at least I was up at 5.30am to go on my 'walk' managed a little under 4 miles an hour! impressive eh? I will lose the flab (in case you wonder it is now 24 pounds I have dropped)

Mum and me had our nails done today, would have been slightly nicer had the lady doing them not had builders on the roof bang banging and a 6 year old daughter vying for attention in the way only a six year old can!

But my nails look good and are rock hard.

tomorrow I will sew the table decorations, email the ice cream man for confirmation and write to the hog roast lady for the same.

18 days to go!

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