Tuesday, July 31, 2007

who was that masked invader?

who posted such a negative entry yesterday? I really can't imagine!

anyway normal service has resumed, I admit I was feeling a bit 'off' yesterday, won't go into details to spare blushes, but a family member made a rather snide comment about the wedding/marriage which really got to me. but I have got over it now, and to be truthful - I don't give a hoot what anyone thinks! Mr.B and me have been 'dating' for 11 years, living together for nearly 7 of those - to get married now shows our level of commitment - we can not be accused of rushing into this!

the gents buttonholes arrived today - silk so they wont be all wilty and naff by the time the day comes - teehee. I was a bit put off by the size (I felt they were too big) but Mr.B assures me they look lovely (and he is a man of such high taste!)

Mr.B had his stag night a couple of weeks ago, seems he had a good - and rather tame - time. being the wicked person I am the next day I persuaded him to go to the reception venue with me to move table and chairs around to get the layout, bless him he was rewarded with a lovely fry up afterwards.

the table cloths are cut and sewn, the place cards written, table plan organised and the 'welcome to our wedding' booklets are printed and folded. making good progress.

in fact only have a few more bits and bobs to sort out / wait to arrive and we are ready.

Just as well with only 22 days to go....................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................

Goodbye July, hello Augus. the countdown begins!

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